Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tis the season to be jolly!

I had a meltdown on Sunday! I don't usually act like that, but the month has been so stressful and I felt like I had had it with it not going as planned! I know, cry me a river, I didn't get my way. You know when the stress mounts and you just can't take one more thing on your plate? Well, I am over it and I am ready for another nine innings! I realized I still had this week to make it all happen the way I'd hoped!

We had a special Christmas dinner last night at my parent's home. The grandchildren put on the story of the birth of the Savior. It was precious! That's what it's all about!

The other highlight of the evening was putting together the humanitarian kits. We decided as a family to skip all the gifts to each other and instead make hygiene kits that will go all over the world to aid people in need. It was SO much fun! In total, we completed 50 family kits which will serve 200 people!

I hope we plan to make it a tradition! My sister's ward got on board and they have an entire van filled with stuff for these kits. I can't wait to see the final number when they are all completed!
Merry Christmas Friends! Hope you have a wonderful week!


Lori said...

Laura that little nativity scene is so precious and your right - that is what its all about.
I LOVE the idea of doing humanitarian kits rather than gifts. That Tyrell family - who can keep up?!? Love you!

The Fife's said...

Cute nativity scene, we tried that last year, but it is so much cuter with more kids. Please call me if you need help or someone to cry to, I don't mind!

Ali and Rob said...

Laura..I hear ya!! hope things are better...cute pics too, we alway's do that as a fam too, its a great tradition. love ya!

Jewelcat said...

Laura you're so cute; don't feel bad I had a melt down too! Cried for a day then got it all out of my system and as you said.....am ready for a whole 9 endings!!! I love yall's generous family ideas and how yall put it to good use! Keep up the good work and service! God Blesses those who serve! Love yall and Merry Christmas and holiday season! xox

Unknown said...

your kids are SO cute!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! That's gotta feel good...200!!!!

Meltdowns always make me happy!

Erin said...

SO great! I love this idea! Loved your Mom's Christmas letter. Your family is so amazing!