What a special month it has been around this house! Quincy turned eight and was baptized into our church last weekend. It was so special to see Chip baptize him. I was asked to speak on the Holy Ghost. The whole day was perfect!
Quincy has been so excited about starting scouts! He couldn't wait to put on the uniform and join his buddies!
Basketball shoes were on the top of the birthday list! Quincy starts Jr. Jazz next month. You have to be in 2nd grade up here before you can play. It's no exaggeration to say he has been counting down the YEARS until it was his turn. Let's hope he has his dad's skills and not mine!
Quincy- what a delight you are! We sure love you! Thank you for being so obedient and sweet! We are so proud of you in every aspect of your life! You are an excellent student, brother, friend, and son! We love you! We can't wait to see all the wonderful things you accomplish in your lifetime!
Tell Quincy congratulations from me!! I am sure the baptism was wonderful! I hope you guys got to celebrate with family and friends!! What a special day!!!
I don't know what to say! I'm speachless....I miss yall so much, I wish I could have been there for his baptism! It's such a special day! Congrats, Quincy! And as for his b-day; well it looks like yall made is sooo super special! Love it! And I hope yall video tape some of his games this year b/c I REALLY wish I could be there for those too! Love the b-ball shoes....he'll be sportin' quite nicely! And he already has b-ball skills...I don't think ya have to worry about that one! Although I bet ya already knew that one! :) Love!!!!
Yay for Quincy! Congratulations! Do we really have 8 year olds?
What a great day!!
You are the BEST mom! I LOVE your family :)
how special!!
What a wonderful day for Quincy:) Looks like you have had some fun with the fam. these past months. Have a wonderful Christmas!!!
I feel like it was just a few months ago you posted about his 7th bday - I remember the pics of him in his bed!! Where does a year go?! I'm glad it was such a nice day - you all look amazing and so happy. LOVE the halloween costumes. I will forever love (and covet) your beautiful hair!!! You guys look awesome. love ya
What a neat day!!! I love all the pics.
You are the cutest mom I know. You are so fun. Way to go Quincy on your decision to get baptized!! What a special day.
The first thing that popped to mind when I saw those photos was: "Are my son's feet going to be that big in just 4 1/2 years?"
I LOVE the costumes! So cute!
Congrs to QUincy!!! That is soo exciting!! I can't believe our boys is growing up so fast!!!
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