Yes... not too thrilled around here! What happened to "building" YOUR OWN American Dream? This is a bipartisan issue!!Washington as a whole is to blame...the banks are to blame and the irresponsible people are to blame!
I have the top one. On our way home from the temple, we saw someone with it and we pulled up to her and Katri yelled out the window to find out where she got it. I promptly went home, ordered it and have been sporting it for a couple of weeks. Someone actually did honk the other day. We had a good laugh.
We found a website the other day with all kinds of anit-Obama stuff and ordered some shirts and bumper stickers. I am not a bumpersticker person either. i ordered a couple with quotes from Benjamin franklin and Thomas Jefferson b/c I would rather not even look at the Obama insignia with the O and the red,white and blue field...
Well I wouldn't want your fellow readers to think you are only surrounded by only one idea... so I can't help but point out that the "anti-Obama" folks can't possibly be so delusional to not realize the reason we're in a mortgage meltdown, economic crisis and unneeded wars does not stem from our leadership the past 10 weeks but rather the incompetence of the last 8 years of possibly the worst republican presidency in the history of our nation. And I'm glad we can still be friends despite our extreme differences of opinion because you know I love ya!
Oh, I would never claim that Bush was perfect!! He made PLENTY of mistakes! This problem started clear back with Clinton! It's a WASHINGTON problem!! BOTH SIDES!!!
Okay...HELLO LAURA! I miss you and I've finally come out of the dark and am blogging again. Okay I've got the best bumper sticker yet.. and a friend of mine created it: Keep the "CHANGE" I want my 12 trillion dollars back! Loved it! I consider myself an independant...probably b/c I'm dual citizenship and grew up in Canada, yes Bush made some idiotic moves, but I must say look out America...if you think you're not becoming France, or Canada THINK AGAIN! Call me on the pros and cons if you wish...far more cons than pros. And don't get me started on how much Obama has spent in his less than 100 days in office as compared to ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS COMBINED!!! OUCH!
Amen sista~ i sent you that email didn't i?! thought it was great... i agree, they need to wipe the slate clean in Washington and start over! They are all rediculous, as glenn would say it, it makes blood shoot out of my eyes! and yes, clinton started w/ the fanny mae, and mac and all that with having them give Everyone a home!
I agree completely! These bumper stickers made me laugh so hard. You're right; Bush was not perfect, but lots of stuff started back with Clinton. And the last one is my favorite. I heard Obama say in one of his debates, "That's what I call 'unfair burden sharing...'" What?!
I have the top one. On our way home from the temple, we saw someone with it and we pulled up to her and Katri yelled out the window to find out where she got it. I promptly went home, ordered it and have been sporting it for a couple of weeks. Someone actually did honk the other day. We had a good laugh.
We found a website the other day with all kinds of anit-Obama stuff and ordered some shirts and bumper stickers. I am not a bumpersticker person either. i ordered a couple with quotes from Benjamin franklin and Thomas Jefferson b/c I would rather not even look at the Obama insignia with the O and the red,white and blue field...
Well I wouldn't want your fellow readers to think you are only surrounded by only one idea... so I can't help but point out that the "anti-Obama" folks can't possibly be so delusional to not realize the reason we're in a mortgage meltdown, economic crisis and unneeded wars does not stem from our leadership the past 10 weeks but rather the incompetence of the last 8 years of possibly the worst republican presidency in the history of our nation. And I'm glad we can still be friends despite our extreme differences of opinion because you know I love ya!
Yep! Know just what you mean!
Oh, I would never claim that Bush was perfect!! He made PLENTY of mistakes! This problem started clear back with Clinton! It's a WASHINGTON problem!! BOTH SIDES!!!
Okay...HELLO LAURA! I miss you and I've finally come out of the dark and am blogging again. Okay I've got the best bumper sticker yet.. and a friend of mine created it: Keep the "CHANGE" I want my 12 trillion dollars back! Loved it! I consider myself an independant...probably b/c I'm dual citizenship and grew up in Canada, yes Bush made some idiotic moves, but I must say look out America...if you think you're not becoming France, or Canada THINK AGAIN! Call me on the pros and cons if you wish...far more cons than pros. And don't get me started on how much Obama has spent in his less than 100 days in office as compared to ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS COMBINED!!! OUCH!
Amen sista~ i sent you that email didn't i?! thought it was great... i agree, they need to wipe the slate clean in Washington and start over! They are all rediculous, as glenn would say it, it makes blood shoot out of my eyes!
and yes, clinton started w/ the fanny mae, and mac and all that with having them give Everyone a home!
LOVE it!!!! AMEN!!!!!
Those are great!
love it!
I agree completely! These bumper stickers made me laugh so hard. You're right; Bush was not perfect, but lots of stuff started back with Clinton. And the last one is my favorite. I heard Obama say in one of his debates, "That's what I call 'unfair burden sharing...'" What?!
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