I have mentioned before about the nightly battles in these parts! We have tried it ALL: the throat spray, the nose strips, sleeping on your side. You name it, we've tried it. And, since I KNOW my husband would NEVER go under the knife (the kid is scared of eye drops) I have taken matters into my own hands! At this point, I would ride bareback and naked across the Sahara Desert if it meant a full night of sleep was involved... yea, I am THAT desperate! I ordered something off the t.v., which I never do, and told them I would sell my soul to the devil himself and that I didn't care how much it costs as long as it worked!
So, it's been two nights and we have made it half the night! YAHOO!! They said it might take a few days for it to really work! This is it, people! I can feel it in my bones! Wish me luck! I am (hopefully) off to catch some Z-Z-Z-Z's!
Good luck with that - let me know how it turns out. Nick swears that he doesn't snore because it would wake him up. I think I know a little better here...
Oh I am sorry, a mom without sleep is never a good thing. I don't understand how it will work, but I will hope along with you that it does! If not, send Free Willy to sleep in the neighboring room!:)
Here's hoping!! My dad snores, after years of no sleep, my mom now sleeps in a different room. Sad, but true.
Good luck! I hope it works long term! I would DIE without a good night sleep! Tell Chip to sleep in the basement until all the kinks are worked out! ;)
Well, I hope it helps!! But, you know I am going to tell you that he absolutely needs a sleep study done. Snoring, esp. that is disruptive to others, is a clear sign of sleep apnea..which can cause all sorts of problems! (Sorry, I just happen to be married to a sleep specialist:) He did say for me to let you know for Chip to watch for headaches, as more often than not, mouth guards like that tend to cause tmj related problems, and the first sign is a headache. Here is to hoping..but you know if he is down this way, we know where to get him a sleep study with the best:) hehe
Let me know how it goes...Jon saws major logs and wakes me up all the time. But then again, apparently the same goes for me. We are such a pair!!
Oh, I hope it works, cause I really don't want you to have to ride bareback and naked across the Sahara Desert ... you'd get an awful sunburn, and then you really wouldn't sleep. ;)
Hey there, i have heard good things about them, My bro-in-law has one he got from the dentist.. about the same kinda thing, and it works great for him!(and Kenz):) can talk to the dentist too. best of luck! Kates b-day pics are sooo cute! can't believe she is one! where does the time go?!?! love ya
How are you! My mom has this same problem with my dad--and spending family vacations as a kid in the same hotel room, I sort of get your pain.
You HAVE to let me know if this works so I can have my mom get one for my dad.
Maybe this is just the thing! :)
You should check with Chanda. She's on my sidebar and since you can't access my blog, get her's off Mavens. Her hubby had a huge polyp and it had to be surgically removed, but it was HELL until that happened. I hope this works.
Bareback and nacked...really? LOL, that just cracked me up and I realized how DESPERATE you are. I really do hope this works and you can get a good night sleep. I would hate to see poor Chip have to go under the knife.
Hey girl, I just saw your blog. PLEASE let me know if it works; I guess it runs in the family b/c I snore just like my big brother and Ray can't stand it either. And to tell ya the truth it's pretty sad when I snore so bad it wakes ME up! LOL!!! It's funny but soooo embarrasing, I never went to sleep before any of my friends at sleepovers as a kid b/c I didn't want to be made fun of. So if this works let me know so I can FINALLY get rid of my embarrasment and let my wonderful hubby sleep sound for a change. Love ya, xoxoxox :)
The b-day pics of Kate are soooo darling!!! So sad we missed it; man she's adorable. I can't believe I haven't even seen her yet and she's now 1 years old. Man how time flies!!! Give her a b-day squeeze from me and the rest of us Vinson's here in Texas ya here :)!!! Love yall tons, xoxoxox
I might need to get more information from you on this...we are currently sleeping in different rooms...well, I am 8 months preggo and I am keeping HIM up with all my bathroom breaks...but usually HE is keeping me up!
How are you doing anyway...its been a while.
Oh, we're praying for you!!! A mom without sleep is never good. Hang in there and here's hoping! Kate's birthday pics are so cute!! She is just ADORABLE!
Yeah! You deserve good night sleep everynight to be a happy and good mom! Let me know if it works!
I hope it's going well and no more snoring. I actually asked my husband very early in our dating if he snored - I'm just too light of a sleeper to waste time dating a snorer!
I was also wondering if you head is all better?
Laura ~ I am so happy you posted on my blog!!! Thanks for blog hopping!!!! Your family is so dang cute!!!
Good luck with the new BFF...my father in law uses something like that and it's made a world of difference to mom in law!!!
Hey beautiful, I was wondering if you have had any luck with your lack of sleep? Has it been a cure for Chip's snoring yet? Let me know if it's working o.k.!!!! Love ya xoxox
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