Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thankful Thursday-

William was feeling a little scared when he was heading to bed (ie: I wanna stay up). Quincy, being the sensitive guy he is, must have tip-toed into William's room to provide comfort. Here is what I found when I went to check on them.

Tonight, I am thankful for brothers that love each other. Thankful for brothers that can't wait until the other comes home and brothers that would rather play with each other than any friend out there.

P.S.- note to self: Do some laundry tomorrow! Your kids have NO matching pajamas!


Anonymous said...

Ha- I am loving the note to yourself. I am also loving the brotherly love shown in this picture.. Cute boys!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Awwww! Treasure these moments, soon they might be using each other for punching bags..... oh that could JUST be at my house! :)

Ali and Rob said...

So cute! The brotherly bond is so special, and fun to witness! When they are getting along :)

did you get my email the other day? just wanted to make sure.

The Fife's said...

Very cute. I don't know if I could sneak in a take a picture without them waking up.

Cecily R said...

Now that is a sweet shot!! I love that William knew he could go to his brother when he needed to!!!

And my kids never have matching jammies. Laundry done or not. :)

Sharon said...

TAG! You have been tagged. Check out my blog for the rules. Good luck.

GoteeMan said...

Oh, I know... my boys are 9 and 12, and are very best friends...

It's totally wonderful...

J/ (

Natalie said...

Wait... PJ's are supposed to match?

That is so sweet! Love that picture.

Michelle said...

HA! Matching p.j's what are those??

Your boys look cute. I offten find my older two in bed together.