Confession #4
Well, I always said, "I will never be one of those moms!" I am here to confess that I have officially become one of those moms! Everywhere I turn I see the evidence of this statement! I remember seeing my cute friend in Texas toting around her three children- shoeless, coatless and without their hair brushed. I remember vividly thinking, "WOW- I will never be one of those moms." I managed to fight off this disease through the first two kids but now that the third is here- there ain't no turning back now! My boys frequently go places looking like they just crawled out from under a rock! Often times they are unable to locate the "other shoe" in a pair and end up going like this!
Now this is sad, but true. All day long I sweep, sweep, sweep and keep the crumbs in a pile until "later." Often times Kate gets to the pile before I do! Terrible- I know! At least they can't say I don't feed my kids! I also let Kate eat off the table at Cafe Rio this week- YUCK!
More often than not, my car looks like this! This is one area I can't seem to keep in order! (After seeing this picture I DID clean out my car- this is ridiculous!) Now that I have turned to "the dark side" I can say that I have more appreciation, more compassion and less judgement for those moms. My hat goes off to all those moms! If you have yet to turn to the other side and you find yourself judging, just wait- you'll get there someday too!
Oh, you have NO IDEA how much I am one of those house is such a mess after our crazy weekend that I can't find any forks!!
Laura--I LOVE this post and have to say I am right along with you. I don't know what I am going to do when Brooklyn can crawl and find what is on my floor--SCARY! Now that the kids are off track, I am even more one of THOSE MOMS!! At least I know if we were to be stranded in my car we could survive off the water, food, and clothing we have jammed in there!;)
You did this just for me didn't you! Just kidding, but it is good to feel fairly normal! I love the survival comment...we too would do just fine! What is it about keeping a van clean that seems so illusive? Thanks for making us all feel alittle better today, we are not alone in our chaos!!
OH, I am TOTALLY one of those moms! I became one the second Dallin was born. My life will be complete chaos if we have a number three child.
After giving birth to my son (aka the screamer) I realized how judgemental I was toward other moms with screaming kids. And this is most likely why I got a screamer. :)
Love the crumbs in the corner!! also we all have cars that look like that, at one time or another!
I am on my way! The best is that you admit it and don't try to hide the fact. You are still great though!!
Ohhhh, I remember the humbling day when I realized I'd been labelling all "those moms" and now I WAS ONE.
Goes to show. Judging others is walking a thin line.
(am i making ANY sense? it's 3:20am)
My car looks like that, too.
You are so funny! Yeah, I do have problem too like keeping sweeping all day and leave it in a pile for last thing to pick up! We all aren't perfect!
HILARIOUS! I never had any aspirations (good or bad). I think they call that a "sin of omission!"
I laughed so hard - especially the little pile of "food" on your kitchen floor. You are a wonderful mom! And like pres. Monson said, one day we'll miss all the little hand prints on just cleaned surfaces.
Can I have an AMEN? Before kids, I said the same thing, and I realize what a fool I was!
Here's to keeping it real! Cheers!
Oh my goodness. My van looks worse than yours!! I can never keep that sucker clean.
You are in MAGNIFICENT company. And, it's not all moms.
We always know what kind of parent we'll be, until we actually become one.
ha ha - I was great too until the third one popped out! craziness ensued then! My SUV looks just like yours! More crackers on the floor though!
I'm here to tell you that you'll grow into one of "those" grandmas too. :-)
Well I have been one of those moms for a VERY long time! I will say that it does get easier as your children become older and more responisble.
The front of my van looks GREAT!! Are you tring to tell me there's a back part that I need to pay attention to??
i'm a crumb sweeper too! although hubs stands in it when he's cooking! he doesn't like that hehe
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