I am always trying to come up with ways to teach my kids some manners. There is nothing worse than spoiled, bratty, ill-mannered children!
I couldn't have been more than eight when I watched my sister come home from a birthday party in tears. After my mom tried to console her we found out that the little girl who was throwing the party had opened her present and said, "I don't like this- get me a different present!" The nerve!! If I was that little girl's mother- I would have sent my child to her room, packed up the guests, taken them home, packed up the gifts and taken them to a shelter! You have got to be kidding me!
So- we play a little game in this house that we like to call, "Thumbs Up- Thumbs Down." Before a birthday party comes around or we are headed to an important event or simply a trip to grandma's we play a round or two of this game.
Here's how it works. I give the kids a list of hypothetical situations to which they are to respond with either a "thumbs up or thumbs down" to the behavior. We'll just stick with the birthday party example.
I round up a bunch of our used toys and put them in party bags and pretend like I am the one opening the gifts from my friends.
1. "Wow- Thank you so much Tanner for this awesome present!!" (to which the boys yell out "thumbs up!")
2. "This is so stupid- I already have this puzzle! (they respond, "double thumbs down!")
3. "Awesome, Jedi's are my favorite!" (response, "thumbs up!")
4. Open-open-open and take no time to walk over and thank each person. ("thumbs down!" they cry)
5. "Thank you so much for coming- this has been the best birthday EVER!" ("Double- thumbs up!" they reply)
This has been so great that my kids actually ask to play "thumbs up- thumbs down"- This has been a great way to teach them a few manners while making them laugh!
Let's hope it sticks and that none of my kids EVER send their friends home crying!
What a great idea!
I'll say it again - you need to write a parenting book. I'd buy it!
That is a cute idea! I need to call and talk to you for more tips on raising my boys!!:) We will have to try it! The pie looks great too! way to go:)
What a great idea -- I love it!
By the way, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your encouragement/thoughts during my "Hurricane Hiatus!" I'm so glad to be back!
You are so cute! Love that idea! p.s. I would buy your book too!
Cute idea!! Love the thumbs up/thumbs down idea!
I live in a constant state of paranoia that my kids are going to do something mortifying in public, so we spend a lot of time preparing them for situations as well!
That is a great idea!! I ll have to do that for FHE. I'm worried about my girl, Kylee. She is kinda stuck up & I worry if she would be mean to her friends! Thanks for posting your idea with boys!
Wow its so neat to hear from you again! your family is adorable!
OOOOOOH! Fabulous idea that I will be trying out soon!
Fabulous idea! I had a bit of a hard time with my 3 and 4 year old at their birthday party the other day with the "I already have this." It wasn't said meanly usually more like "Oh look, another one." But I felt bad. Wasn't sure how to preteach that at such a young age but your game sounds great!
That is a great idea. Kids can always use the reminder on being nice, no one wants mean kids.
Wow! that is a great idea. I'm with you -- bratty ill mannered children are just about the most annoying thing around.
I'm going to try this little game.
sound like my kind of mom!
OMGoodness, this is a genius idea. I'm so stealing it for the next time my daughters birthday rolls around.
Thanks for sharing!
Very pragmatic..very practical and what a genious! I love role play with kids and you are providing that perfect modelling and practice. Again, another post that gives me a great idea for a language building activity! Thank you!
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