Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Vampires, Sorcerers and Wizards- Oh, My!

Halloween is definitely in the air around here! We always start planning our costumes in the summer- we are so excited! We usually go with a theme. Last year, as a family, we were Star Wars characters. The year before, we were Superheros. Two years ago we were Clowns. This year we are planning to be The Wizard Of Oz. I think it makes it more fun when there is a theme!

I've been feeling especially spooky as we enter October because I have been reading Twilight- By Stephanie Meyer. I have seen this book everywhere and I finally picked up a copy at Costco and pretty much "devoured" it overnight- it left me "thirsty" for more!

I also started Harry Potter- again! Fantasy isn't exactly my favorite genre- but I knew I needed to give it a fair shake! I don't know if it's the Halloween spirit in the air or if I've been bewitched or hypnotized~ but I am loving these books!


Julianne said...

Ooo, I'm glad you are enjoying those books! They are all very high on my favorites list.

That's totally fun to do themes for your Halloween costumes! I'll never be that organized as I don't usually dress up. The kids would never all want to match, either. I can see it now, all my girls as princesses and Brandon as Prince Charming...hahahahaha. He would NEVER go as a prince. :)

Rochelleht said...

That's cause they are really really fun books!

Katrina said...

You always have the cutest costumes, Megan! I love both those series, as well. Right now, I'm catching up on Meg Cabot's Mediator series. It's YA fic and pure, paranormal fluff! :D

Katrina said...

Omigosh! Laura, I just called you Megan! I'm so sorry. Man, why won't they let you edit your comments. I'm such a dork.

Natalie said...

LOVED Twilight!!!! Are you going to read New Moon and Eclipse? Let me know what you think of them. I'm going to start Harry Potter next. Right now, I'm just finishing up Price & Prejudice. Moment of silence for our favorite movie, TY. You are so creative, I liked hearing your family costume themes! I've always wanted to try that.

Michelle said...

I'm so happy you are liking those books. They are all SO fun to read.

I love the theme costume idea. We used to do that till our boys got older and got opinions. Bummer!

Megan said...

I really must read Harry Potter! I don't know why I haven't. Laura I'm excited to see pictures of the Wizard of Oz. Did you and Chip decide to dress up?

Laura said...

Megan- I think I might be the witch of the west and chip- the wizard. It is more a cousins thing- Quincy the scarecrow- William the tin man their little cousins are going to be the lion, dorothy and Glinda. We're excited!

Smitty- yes- I am going to pick up the next two Twilight seq. I am excited to get going on them!

Anonymous said...

We usually do a theme too, however I think that will be over. I can't get them to coordinate this year. Serious bummer!

Emily said...

Glad to hear you are an Edward lover . . . .Join the lineup!

Wendi said...

Hi there! Thanks for the invite to your book club. I do love to read! Let me know specifics, I would love to participate, but I'm so busy I don't know if I would be able to come or not. I guess it depends on when it is.

I love the Twilight series and the Harry Potter series too!E