Ever since William went to see Charlotte's Web last January with my sister- he has been obsessed with Wilbur the pig! His teacher at church calls him Wilbur and he tells everyone his name is William Wilbur White. That's a tongue twister for a three-year-old!
I found this cute little pig a few months ago and needless to say- he LOVES it! He sleeps with it and takes it everywhere he goes!
I think it's SO funny that he has fallen for a PIG! They really aren't that cute- but he seems to be smitten!
William is a CRACK UP to say the least- here are a few of the funny little things he has said and done the past few months! I lOVE this age!
Singing... (Jungle Book) "Forget about your worries and your stripes!"
Singing... (Wizard of Oz) "Somewhere, Oh, little rainbow!"
Singing... (BaBa Black Sheep) "One for the little boy who lives down the drain."
Funny moments... I said the other day, "Wow, guys... pretty soon Mommy won't be the only girl in the family anymore." William's response, "Why, will you be a BOY?"
Funny moments... William is the BAD WORD POLICE. Nothing gets by this kid! You can not get away with saying: stupid, dumb, idiot or baby (in any context). On our way to California I used the "stupid" word a few times- (i.e. "Oh that is so stupid!") to which he announced to my family the other day, "My mom says A LOT of bad words in the car!"
Excuses... "William, will you pick up your trash?" Quick response, "I can't, I don't have any arms, I'm R2D2." This kid is good!
Excuses... "William, come over here please." Dramatically says, "I can't there's a fire right here."
Cute moments... I always say, "William- I LOVE you!" One day he said, "Mom, I LOVE you- AND I like you!" It was so cute!
Sweet Moments... in his prayers he always says, "Thank you for the chance to be with Je-jus." I am not sure where he heard that- but it is so precious when he says it!
These really are the moments that make motherhood so worth it!
He is so so cute! I love that you posted all the things he has said recently. You think you will remember but we don't.
William is so funny! He likes to bust me saying bad words even when I don't say them. He just has the greatest personality! Love you guys.
Uncle Nick
Ha! William Wilbur White is the cutest boy, I loved reading about his cute personality.
Oh, that totally made me laugh out loud. Several times! I loved his r2d2 excuse! AND that he thought you'd turn to a boy. That is classic!!!
what a cutie! kids are so fun that it makes it impossible to be mad at them when they make up excuses like that! :) thanks for keeping us updated with even the little things he says...it makes an aunt feel apart of their life even though they are so many miles away! i hope that you are writing these cute comments down somewhere so one day you can use them @ his wedding or something like that :) well, laura we sure do love you...cant wait to see you again and that cute belly of yours:) love, christina (and szucceed laughed out loud when i read him your blog)
Those are soooo cute! So neat that you have written them down so you will always remember!
Um . . . you're getting on a cruise shipin 24 days? Where are you going? Will you pass my house? I'll be sure to wave!
Yes- we are going on a cruise! We are going to Mexico- though! I DID think of you guys and it would have been fun to sail by and wave to you! NEXT TIME!
Your boys are so adorable, I can't stand it! I know another little girl who thinks so, too! ;)
Good fun and laughs. Thanks for sharing
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