Monday, October 1, 2007

My Little Project!

Well- This project has been on my "to do list" for some time now! It has been bothering me for a year now that our door was so boring and didn't stand out at all! My Dad came up on Friday to help me paint it! He is my personal handy man and has been SO helpful!

I couldn't be more thrilled with the way it turned out! I keep opening the door just to look at it! I have always LOVED black doors and I think it turned out great!

As you can see- it only makes sense that the door should be black! Everything else on the house is black: the outside shutters, the lamps and the wrought iron railing on our balcony up above. Now, all we need to do is figure out what to do with the yard!!


Anonymous said...

I love it!! The door looks great. It's amazing what a little paint and elbow grease can do.

Megan said...

It looks great. I love the door and the wreath. Where did you find such a great wreath? So cute.

Michelle said...

I LOVE it!! You and your dad did a great job. I bet you are loving being so close to him. Can't wait to see what else he does in this home.

Natalie said...

Yes, the black door looks so sharp! Love it. Your house is so gorgeous.

Rochelleht said...

Your house is GORGEOUS, Laura! I love the door and the wreath. How fun!

Julianne said...

What a beautiful home! I love the black door. I think you've inspired me. :) Our shutters are black, too, and I think a black door would really be sharp. Great job!

Laura said...

Megan- I got the wreath last year in Texas, from Michaels- before we moved. I searched high and low!

Usually I just make it- but I was tired of my fall wreath. It was the only one, anywhere that I liked!

Laura said...

Julianne- we actually justed used spray paint- about 4 cans- semi-gloss and did the doorway too. It makes a big difference to have not just the door done! Good luck!

Katrina said...

I have a black door, too! And I finally painted the inside white, to match the trim. Now there's no ugly fake wood! Yea for us!

Julie said...

I'm so glad you posted a picture of your house. It is beautiful. Hope we get to see some of the inside soon.