Well...This post is simply a confession of my madness as of late! We just finished the final wedding from the wedding marathon we had this summer. I was standing in the Nordstrom's dressing room last week in a last ditch effort to find something to wear to my brother's wedding when I was hit with a major epiphany- "GIRL, YOU HAVE SERIOUSLY LOST IT!"
Standing there staring at myself in the mirror, I had to laugh! My hair, although clean, was still wet from my morning shower, and stuck up in a pincil. I have no idea what I was thinking when I got dressed that morning! I think I am in that stage of pregnancy when NOTHING fits you (nice excuse, I know)! I chose to wear shoes that were comfortable and in NO WAY matched my outfit (like it would have helped at all)! I had a good laugh and thought I'd review my life over the past months and share my personal insight with you, on when you know you've SERIOUSLY lost it!
1. You are standing in the dressing room and your child is licking the mirror, climbing all over the dirty floor and looking under the stall at the people next to you- AND you don't even care (this happened in the same moment I was laughing at myself)!
2. You let your kids eat candy and fruit snacks for lunch and you feel just fine about it!
3. You can't remember the last time you mopped your kitchen floor.
4. Your kids are still in their p.j's at noon and you get them dressed before someone comes over!
5. You wake up and put on the same clothes you wore the day before and you don't even notice!
6. You start thinking feeding your kids at McDonald's is nutritious!
7. You decide not to unpack your suitcase after a trip and just let it sit there until the next time you need it (hence the picture above).
8. You can't remember if the dream you had a few nights ago really happened or not?! Brain fry!
Please tell me this is just a phase and I will grow out of it! Please tell me you have all "been there before too!"
PS. I did managed to mop my kitchen yesterday! Road to recovery! This FLYLADY needs a nap!
Ok, I'm laughing so hard right now! The dressing room scenario, McDonalds as nutritious, wearing the same clothes two days in a row, wet hair pulled up... It's as if you were describing my life. Looks like we have a lot in common. Love it, Ty!
Laura, I am laughing so hard at the dressing room scenarion. That is so funny. We have all been there. I think more often then we all admit! Great post!
Ummm... what if that is our life all the time? I'm just saying.
I am beginning to think this is my new reality, Rochelle!
LOL! I am so there with you. Sorry, but so far it hasn't gotten any better for me... I was just talking to someone about this today. We feel like life is just kind of out of control and you really just have to roll with it!
What does it mean when you don't have kids and you do some of those things...is there no hope for me? hehehe laura, don't you worry...you will have your good days and your bad days but just know as you get older there will start to be more bad days than good....but be happy cause you are still young :) j/k i love you and honestly i think you should be proud of yourself cause you have been through a whirlwind!! love, christina
I don't know what you're all talking about. I'm 100% percent organized all the time. Um...just don't come over without calling first, and never look in my closets! ;)
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