I was asked by my friend, Michelle- to answer the following questions about how I met and married my husband, Chip. Here goes!
Where Did You Meet Your Husband?
We met at Ricks College, in Rexburg, Idaho- (the now BYU Idaho). We had two classes together- American Heritage and Biology. He sat behind me in Biology.We were often both late to our early morning American Heritage class and ended up in the back on the floor because all of the chairs were taken.
What Was The First Thing You Said To Your Husband?
We both showed up late on this particular day to our early class and at the end he said, "Aren't you in my Biology class?" I said, "I think so." That was about it until the next day in Biology I set up a study group and asked him to join. A double benefit because not only was he cute- but he was a straight "A" student. I couldn't go wrong asking him to join :) Our study group dwindled to just the two of us and we still managed to do pretty darn well on our finals!
Where Was The First Kiss? First Date?
Chip asked me on our first date and I said, "No." There was a reason though- I was in the process of ending things with my long-distance boyfriend at BYU (in Provo). I didn't want to start things with him when it wasn't finished with "him." The night I broke up with "him" Chip was there hanging out with my roommates and that night we kissed at my apartment. It was the end of the school year and we were both getting ready to go on missions the next fall. We didn't go on a date until months later when I went to Texas to meet his family. We went to dinner and a movie.
Did You Have A Long Or Short Courtship/Engagement?
Well... I'd have to say it was a LONG courtship without the courting. We wrote for two years while on our missions and really got to know each other through letters. We would try to make them as informative as possible! At the end of each letter we would write three things about ourself that the other person didn't know and three things we loved about the other person. WE LEARNED A LOT!
When we finally got engaged we had only been on about 2 or 3 dates! After almost three years of "getting to know each other" we were ready and we were SURE!
Where Did You Get Engaged?
This day didn't go quite as Chip had planned. I was involved in HUGE fundraiser that took up our entire Saturday and things kept getting in the way of his plan. By the end of the night we managed to go the the Provo Temple for a session. After it was over he had asked one of the workers if we could go into a sealing room - but the temple was closing. He showed us around and told us to follow this secret "stairway to heaven" and it would get us to the celestial room where we could sit for a while. We smiled and started down the stairs where Chip told me to wait and he sat me down on the steps and said the sweetest things and asked me to marry him.
Where Did You Get Married?
We were married a few months later in the Salt Lake Temple. His grandpa married us and we had all of our loved ones there or waiting outside. It was a perfect day!
How Did The Reception Go?
It was SO beautiful! It was in my parent's backyard in the home I grew up in the Avenues in downtown Salt Lake. Aside from the stress that usually comes when you do it all yourself - we had a great band playing, dancing, beautiful flowers and great food! We couldn't have asked for it to have turned out any better!
How Was The Honeymoon?
We had fun! We stayed in a cabin for three days and spent the rest of the week in Lake Powell. We rented jet skis and had the lake to ourselves!
I tag: Natalie, Jill, Emily and Amy
This was fun to read, Ty! And, I promise, I'll answer these questions soon. Stay tuned... :)
Yea- you have nothing else going on this week ;)
I always loved your wedding pics, Laura. You should post some. I loved reading the story behind it all...
Thanks- I am in the process of finding a digital camera so I can start getting more pics on here. I just have my 35mm with film and it just isn't as easy! I really want to get more pics on here- it's a bit boring!!
That was so much fun to read!! So you broke it off with the other guy and you kissed Chip the same night, hmmm....
We had known each other for a few months now- it was about time we got together!
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