Sunday, April 29, 2012

Birthday #8 WAS GREAT!

William- This was the birthday of ALL birthdays! We started with breakfast in bed as usual!

Like every morning, you wake up surrounded in pigs! I think you sleep with at least ten pigs every night! Little do you know what gift awaits you this year!

You got the two Lego sets you've been drooling over...

You got a beautiful set of scriptures to go along with your baptism...

We tell you to shower quickly and jump in the car for your last surprise...(hence the slicked hair you and your brother are sporting above)

We lead you blindfolded over to the Bishop's farm...

The big reveal? A REAL, LIVE PIG of your own!! Guess what his name is?! WILBUR!

It doesn't take long before you catch on to the feeding and watering of your new, lovable pig! You are in heaven!

Your favorite birthday treat? COOKIES!

Your cute brother showing you the ropes in Scouts! are SUCH a WONDERFUL, SWEET boy! We love your innocent spirit and tender heart! You are talented in sports, music, and your schooling! We could not be more proud of you! We can't wait to see all the places you will go!  


The Fife's said...

The girls want to go one time to see the pig!! What a cute kid.

Ali and Rob said...

Sooo dang cute!! how neat..congrats to him, and i'm way impressed you got him a pig!! ;) love it! happy late to him and Caroline, what a cutie! we need to get together..! lets plan a day, school will be out soon!! love ya

Jewelcat said...

Love everything! The pics, the bday ideas, my cute nephew/s!!!! the gifts! Everything! My favorite pics is William in bed with all his stuffed pigs! I knew he loved pigs but had no idea he slept with so many.....adorable!

Rochelleht said...

Wow. I can't believe he is that old already. Weren't we just at bookclub and you were telling us you were pregnant?!?

A PIG! Wow! What AWESOME parents you are.

Kimbo said...

love the pics! y'all are so cute!

Ana Simarro GarcĂ­a said...

Happy Birthday :)

jaya abadi 775shop indonesia said...

hi assalamu;alaikum

Steven said...

How cute! VIsit my blog too and comment too!!! :D