Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sweet Caroline

Caroline Helene White- March 17th 2011- 7 lbs- 21 inches

I LOVE hearing Kate sing the song, "Sweet Caroline-do-do-do!"

I think she looks the most like William.

She did manage to get the "big dimples" like Quincy and Chip. Yahoo!

Getting ready for her first bath from her siblings!

Doctor Kate checking her out!

Doctor William making sure she is alive and kickin'!

We just love her to pieces!

My sister had a baby four days after I did- little Hadlee. They weren't exactly excited to have their picture taken together when they first met. We'll get some better ones next week!

For now, we are thrilled to have her here! Welcome Caroline!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful...and those other sweet kids loving her so much. Precious!!!

The Fife's said...

Cute! We have got to come over and see her again.

Jason said...

What a wonderful addition to your family. We hope everything is well with your family.

Natalie Rogers said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful...I just love the pictures with your other kiddos, so sweet, indeed! Hope all is going well for you and Kasey...How fun!!!

Amy said...

Congratulations! What a sweet family for Sweet Caroline.
p.s. love her name!

Rochelleht said...

Congratulations!!! She is gorgeous. Love the name. I guess you'll always remember her birthday! Will she always have to have a green cake?!?

Ali and Rob said...

Soo beautiful!! Congrats, love all the pics, the kids are so darling w/ her!! be so much help..:) congrats to Kasey too! so fun to have them so close, kenz had her Hadlee too, 2 months before gage. I need to get up and see you!! did i already tell you that's my dad's b-day too!! it's a good day.! love you, hope your doing well!

stephgardner said...

What a wonderful new addition! Congratulations, what a cutie she is! I love all your precious photos!

Jewelcat said...

Oh Laura, she is so precious, I just loved all the pictures! And the story behind her name is the best part, I truly felt the spirit so strong reading it! She will love that about her name! I love yall and can't wait to meet her this summer! Good luck with 4, I bet it is hard to figure that out at first! You're a terrific mother, and I know they are blessed to have you as their Mom! Love ya tons, xoxoxox!!!!! <3