I LOVE, LOVE surprises! I can barely wait for Christmas morning. I spend all of Christmas Eve trying to convince Chip to let me open at least one present. To no avail! I practically took the ring from him before he proposed because I couldn't stand waiting.
We decided to surprise the kids this month with a fall break trip to Disney. We have only been once and Kate was a baby. The day we were planning to leave the kids came down to a breakfast of Mickey Mouse pancakes and we made the big announcement. They were SO excited! It was so fun to say, "After school today we are jumping in the car and heading to Disneyland!" It was priceless! We left that night and had a wonderful week!
More pictures with Sleepin' Booty, Snow White, Mickey, and the Jedi force to follow soon!
OH my goodness I LOVE that!!! You guys will win parents of the year for that one :) How fun!
So excited about the newest little girl coming into your life. Keep the updates coming.
AND i'm not sure when we'll be back in Utah but I would LOVE to have a gno sleepover. Sounds perfect. Love you Laura Beth!
How fun! Yall are such great parents!
How fun! I love surprises, too. I surprised Jane last week with a trip to New York. She was stunned. What a blast!
I love surprise vacations! Though, I've never received or given any. So, really, in THEORY, I love them! If/When we ever go to Disney, we're so doing it as a surprise.
Also, one of my dreams is that when we finish the Book of Mormon as a family, we'll close the book and announce that we're taking a trip to Manchu Pichu. I figure that by the time we finish, we'll all be old enough for the hike!
How cute. I love suprises too!
Sooooo fun!!! We surprised our kids with our trip to Disneyland and Sea World too! We went about two weeks ago. IT was so fun and the weather was amazing! Cute pictures of you guys!!
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