Monday, January 11, 2010

New Blog...

Hello my dear friends! I have started another blog. This one will be tracking all the humanitarian projects my family has planned to do. We are enrolling as many people as we can: neighbors, family, friends, church members, businesses. I believe there are so many people out there willing to help, they just need to know what to do.

We have just begun and I am SO excited to see all we do to help our brother's and sister's in need. Want to join us? Come to the blog, it is just in the works of being created! Find out what you can do! Even the smallest contributions, together, make a big difference! We may not solve poverty, we may not educate the world, but together we can bless lives and make a difference!


Cecily R said...

I just posted the link on my FB page. What a great project!!

Jewelcat said...


Ali and Rob said...

Sooo great... I will put it on my blog too. and send some stuff to ya! you are so good. love ya

Unknown said...

I added it to my left side blog list. Love it.

Jill said...

Laura, you are so incredible! I have just had a moment to sit down and catch up on all the blogs I haven't read in months (including my own) I LOVE your blog, and your little family and I miss you! Say hi to your mom for me:)