Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kate the Great- As of Late

Just in case there is ever a question... Yes, when she was little, she owned the joint!


Jewelcat said...

Too cute! I swear Haliey Rae and Kate are two peas in a pod! Little busy bods! xoxox

The Fife's said...

I like that the dining room chair is on the table. I need to put my bar stools away she was all over them last week!

Rochelleht said...

Oh, but how fun is that!?! She is a doll.

Hatch's said...

Love it!

Amy said...

So cute! I find our Halle doing the same thing. I now have to keep the stools on top of the bar if I don't want her climbing up.

Ali and Rob said...

It really is cuter( is that a word?)! when its not your own!!:) mine have done it and still do, except they would use the drawer handles.... Argh.. Or now they just hop up!

samandbrodi said...

I have a feeling that she will think she owns the place when she is a teenager as well. Those are great pics.

Christina Ly said...

wow...she is getting so tall! i can't wait to see the personality of my little exciting:)