Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Somewhere Out There...

Has anyone found the land where the missing socks go? I believe there has to be a trap door somewhere in the washing machine!

Where, oh, where do all the binkies go? I swear I bought over 100 binkies for Kate and they are no where to be found!

Where does all my cash disappear to? It seems to go in a fleeting second-not that I ever have a lot to begin with!

If you find this place- can you send me the address... and do you think that is where my patience goes too? I can't attach a picture of that because I currently don't possess any! ;)


Hatch's said...

I think they call it the Bermuda Triangle...Maybe if we took a trip to Bermuda it would calm our nerves a bit, give us perspective and reimburse us for all our losses!

Natalie said...

You're hilarious! Thanks for this post - I think my BRAIN is in the same place as the socks, pacifiers, cash, and patience...

Ali and Rob said...

I REALLY need to find that place too! I agree it think their somewhere where it is warm!! cute post!

The Fife's said...


Carrick family said...

Hey! My Sage has same butterfly blanket your girl has! It is her favorite and she has to take it everywhere! Oh yeah I totally know how you feel about binky missing! It drove me nuts but I am glad Sage is gone with it few months ago! Whew! Yeah we always lose anything!

Emily said...

I seem to have all those problems too! I would offer some patience, but mine is running REALLY thin. Sorry!

Ali and Rob said...

Hey, i will call you today, or call my cell- I was planning on going to Id, next week, tate doesn't have school, and rob is going to be sheep hunting.. so?? i will call and talk!

Hannah said...

I ALWAYS lose atleast 2-5 socks in the dryer... leaving 2-5 unmatched singles. grrr

That girl

Bry n Dani Family said...

Laura, I love your blog. I had a great laugh. It helped me feel a little more normal. We had fun with you guys when you came up a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for putting us in your schedule. I am looking forward to some vacation time with you guys!


Chris said...

Narnia, I believe. There are many doors to that land.
I swear, we used to drop binkies to the floor and they would just evaporate.

Anonymous said...

I never had the problem of pacis as neither of my kids have taken them, but I hear you on the rest. ;) Fun post!

Kristen said...

Ummm, I am pretty sure that my missing money went to Target. :)

Great PSF and super cute kids!!!

tiarastantrums said...

love this post!! we have socks everywhere in this house too!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Right on with each and everyone. Especially the whole missing sock issue. Seriously, there has to be a washer/dryer sock eating monster!!

Great PSF!

Please VISIT My PSF. Thanks!

Cecily R said...

HA! Where the heck IS that place??

In our house its socks, gloves and forks. The forks thing is going to drive me insane...where the heck are they???

Anonymous said...

Oh, You are to funny.
I loved this post..

Alex @ I'm the Mom said...

lol super cute. Loved it!! Where did you get thank blanket?? It's stunning! I want one teehee.

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Very funny! I can relate to all of these except the binkies!

Jonathan would never take them.

If you find patience, let me know. I so need it!

Sharon said...

I would LOVE to know where that place is! Let me know if you find it. :)

Wendy said...

Very fun post and so true!! We used to have a dog that would steal "a" sock, sneak it out to the backyard and bury it in a whole. We did not know this until my husband was clearing some brush and found the dirt hole dug up with dirty socks hanging out!!
As for pacies, maybe some meanie pants honery spirit that takes them just as you are reaching for one to calm your baby. :):)

Anonymous said...

I feel ya on the socks! It frustrates me. I mean SERIOUSLY??? WHERE ARE ALL THE matching socks? LOL

OurHappyFamily said...

At least she'll take those cute little ones...HA! Ava will only take one and I'm sure you saw it... pretty hard to miss it! (Eden never took one)! Kate is beautiful! Is it so fun having a girl?

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Oh so true! Great post!

Whitney said...


This is such a funny post! Totally random but - did you know that baby socks can get sucked in the filters and tubes of the washer/dryer? A girl in my ward had to have her repairman pull out wads of baby socks! I'll be stoppig by again, your blog is so cute!

Deb said...

oh this is all too true. you're freakin me out! in fact, the "socks" part of my blog title references the EXACT same problem you describe. however, another factor at my house is sometimes BOTH socks don't quite find their way to the hamper.

and when i actually have cash to pay with, i usually let out a little yelp of surprise at having the money in my wallet. VERY rare occurrence.

no binkies in our house anymore, but back in the day, i would load the crib with them, until my guy started sucking on two at a time.

CC said...

I am not kidding here: A year or two ago I wrote an entire song to the tune of "Brown Eyed Girl" that I re-named "He's My One Socked Boy".

Michelle said...

I'm sure my money has gone to some store.... When you find the land of missing things let me know. I have a lot I need to claim from there.

GoteeMan said...

I have a theory that every dryer has a "super sock sucker" hidden in the back that opens up and does it's thang once the dryer heats up...

J/ (goteeman.blogspot.com)

Erin said...

I'll check my laundry basket FULL of single socks to see if I've got any of yours.
Who said socks have to match? ;)
Don't worry. You will find all the binkies the day after you try to wean her of them.
And the money is outside growing on trees, isn't it?
Darling post.