Thursday, October 23, 2008


This past weekend was UEA (ie: Fall break- for you non-utahns). It was SO nice to let the kids sleep in and not to worry about making lunches and getting the homework done... why can't every day be fall break?

This gives you time to recognize how lovely life really is!

It gives you time to just be and to enjoy being with the ones you love!

My favorite memory... watching The Sound of Music as a family. Some classics never die! We snuggled up in the big, engulfing couch- with soft blankets, cookies and popcorn and sang, "Do-Ra-Me." The best line of all was sung by Maria when declaring her love for The Captain... "Somewhere in my youth or childhood~I must have done something good!"

My feelings EXACTLY!!!


Cecily R said...

That song started going through my head the second I read that title...I LOVE your attitude about fall break.

And the pics of your adorable, adorable small people!!

Anonymous said...

What beautiful pictures of your loved ones..

I love that song.. These are the moments..

You are truly blessed..

tiarastantrums said...

great photos! - now I may have to watch that movie today - it's pretty gloomy here!

Anonymous said...

OK, now I am needing some Sound of Music in my life!! Those are super cute photos, of your very blessed family! You are so great to recreate things that meant something to you! We also love to watch a little Mary Poppins from time to should try it:) Gotta keep the classics alive!

Killlashandra said...

Great pictures! All those smiling faces. I have to agree with you, The Sound of Music is one of my favorites too. My Mom likes musicals and the two of us used to watch them together a lot years ago. :)

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

So sweet! I love the fishing picture it is just precious!

Carrick family said...

Cute pictures! Your little girl looks like you so much! Yeah I love just staying home and being with kids without worrying to do something!

Michelle said...

You sure did something good!! I love the picture of Chip and the boys fishing. How fun!

Next year we should get together during UEA. That would be fun!

Deb said...

why don't we have a fall break?? i am jealous.

Plain City Dickamores said...

Love the pictures of your boys fishing. Also your little girl is dang cute. We have a new family picture on our blog, check it out.

Hatch's said...

You're so cute!

Emily said...

Your kids are so cute! Sounds like you had a good UEA!

Chris said...

Time with the family seems so hard to come by -- UEA was a treat at our house as well. We also do the family snuggled up movie thing.

Erin said...

LOVE the Sound of Music!! And Mary Poppins and Fiddler on the Roof! (That last one isn't such a hit with the boys.)
We like to sing "Favorite Things" and change the words.
Cute post.

Natalie said...

I love the way you described the weekend. Makes me want to come over and watch Sound of Music with you!

The Fife's said...

You are so great! You have great kids, you have done a great job!

Lori said...

Laura that was sooo sweet. You are such a fun mom, I wish I was in your family this weekend. I would love to snuggle on the couch and watch the sound of music. Kate looks more and more like you everyday :) Cute family!

stephgardner said...

Aha! I found you! It's me - Stephanie (Ostler) Gardner - from Carmel, California. I saw your comment on Amy K's website and found your webpage. I quickly checked your links on the sidebar and I didn't obviously notice any other high school friends there... do you know if anyone else has one? I keep a blog, too - at Hope all is well. Congrats on your new daughter, that's great!!