Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I'm changing my name to... BETTY CROCKER!!

That's right people... I made my first pie! Can't wait to taste it! My cute friend, Tami invited me over to make a fresh peach- blackberry pie today! We had a blast! If you want the recipe go here.

Forget losing that pre-baby, during-baby and post-baby pounds- I think I found my new calling in life! I could adopt William's logic and just say I am eating fruit!

Happy Fall Baking!


Claremont First Ward said...

Oh my looks absolutely, positively DELICIOUS. I'm pretty sure I'm salivating right now. :)

Sarah Brooks said...

YUMMY! That looks delicious!!!! Can I have a slice?

The Fife's said...

We are about to sit down for our slice. Thanks for coming, we will have to do it again.

Lori said...

Go Laura! Those look so yummy. I'm most impressed with the crusts!! My goal is to make real bread and not kill the yeast. I've been getting by on Rhodes, but I think I need to try my own. We'll see. Wish I was there to have a piece :)

Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

Could you change your address to mine too while you are at it? My family could sooooo benefit from someone who bakes! LOL

Glad to see you over at Angie's. It is fun getting to know new bloggy friends.

Hatch's said...

Bold move...I have yet to step into that realm of domesticity. What if it doesn't turn out..? Too much pressure!

Cecily R said...

That looks delish...and you ARE a total Betty! :)

Chris said...

Well, I gotta tell you, I'm not usually a pie guy, but that looks (and sounds) delicious!

Of course by sounds, I meant that a peach/blackberry pie sounds like it would be tasty. I can't actually hear your pie.

tiarastantrums said...

oh - my mouth was watering that crust looked DIVINE!! Where do you lie? I'll help you not lose weight!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

That looks sooo yummy! I love to bake and for years have tried to get it right. I am still learning! LOL!

Anonymous said...

It looks heavenly! Yum!
I'm SO excited that it's baking season again.

Wendi said...

Wow--yum! I've been wanting to bake pies lately. I don't know what it is. Something about fall I guess. This looks good! I think I'll try it!

Congrats Betty C.!

AutoSysGene said...

Wow, nice job with the crust! Looks yummy!

Anonymous said...

Yum! I want a piece. Man I've been seeing a lot of pie lately. I may just have to give it a try myself. Pie is one thing I've never made but oh do I love it.

Emily said...

Mmm . . . that looks delish! I made a blackberry pie today for my Father-in-law (he requested it over cake) but your pie looks much more appetizing than the one I made!


I'm am going to forget about pre-baby weight and post baby weight.


Natalie said...

Yum, that pie looks so good!

Susan said...

Mmmmmm, that looks dee-licious!!! Congrats on your first pie!

Wendy said...

Congrats on the pie! It does look yummy and the crust! oh my!

Unknown said...

Looks good!