I was never one of those teen girls (or adult women) who cry and scream over the latest "heart throb." I remember seeing my cute roommate Ali crying, I mean crying while she watched Michael Jackson shake his thang on t.v! I sat there laughing, wondering how in the world you could love something so much that you could sit there and cry over it? (you know I love ya Al) I remember her staring at the t.v saying, "Oh, my gosh, he is SO hot!"
Now, don't get me wrong, I had secret crushes: Ricky Schroder on Silver Spoons, Kirk Cameron on Growing Pains. I was TOO shy to admit it as a little kid- but I secretly thought I would marry one of them someday!

One obsession I DID have however- were The Beatles. I had posters of them all over my room. I used to listen to them every chance I got. I loved to hear stories from my parents about how my Dad went to their concert in the 60's and stood in the front row with his elbows on the stage! My mom had every one of their trading cards and wallpapered her room with them! We used to listen to their records and eventually bought all of their tapes.

Well... I decided it was time to up-grade from my cassette tapes and buy a few new Beatles albums. I have been missing them! I am not sure why I feel the need to make myself feel young again?!?! Maybe it's because the treadmill repair man called me "Ma'am" the other day- or maybe because my 33rd birthday is around the corner? Who knows... all I know is I am ready to shake my thang to the beat of the Beatles!
Ah, you baby! ;-)
Okay. I am the same way about crying over heartthrobs, but I did literally CRY at the end of last season when Fox shot David Boreanaz from BONES and I thought he was gonna die. It was total shock and I immediately burst into tears! Oh and I wanted to marry Ricky Shroder too!
Oh, the memories of tv star hunks! Kirk Cameron had my heart for sure!! And, I agree with you about the whole crying over a celebrity thing, I just never did that!! I will admit to a bit of dancin along to some old favorite, and truth be told, I can have a party all by myself if the right music comes on. For me it can be anything from "Footloose" to Garth Brooks. Really, I can even have fun with the HSM or Camp Rock soundtracks these days!! Wait until Kate is older is all I can say!!
Hah! Hah!! I don't remember actually crying! did I?! I did love his old stuff:)Now he is a different story! There were alot of crushes thru the years! I still love George Strait and a few others;) I remember you liking the beattles but not this much! My parents were probably at the concert w/ yours! how funny we are, that stars do such things to us! love ya
Hi! In from the great CecilyR's place...
And um...ifi you are 33 then the Beatles are a bit off age wise for you???
But I LOVED simon and garfunkel as a teenager. And I get the whole hear a song of theirs and let it take you back thing.
Have you listened to the 'I am Sam' soundtrack? All Beatles covers, and some of them are sort of updated and i LOVE it soooo much IT makes me cry. Micheal Jackson's arse? Not so much.
Thats fun to learn more about you. I am with you and do not get all giddy and goo goo eyes with boys.
I was never a swooner over the latest heart throb either...although I had my own secret crushes on Ricky Schroeder and Kirk Cameron. We're secret crush kindred spirits!
I LOVE the Beatles. I've already told my dad that I want his original St. Pepper album when he's ready to give that stuff up. :)
is this your PSF?
anyway - I agree - my frien dused to go CRAZY over Duran Duran - crying screaming - it was so silly. I never understood it - so funny - She FINALLY go tot meet the band about 60 months ago - and she was the same way!!!!!!!!
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