I have waited and waited to post any pictures of Quincy's first day of school because honestly- I HATE SCHOOL! It is just a tangible reminder that with every passing day my children grow older... and bigger... and closer to leaving me! The night before the first day I was in the grocery store, finding the "essentials" for a yummy lunch, when I found myself fighting back the tears in the potato chip isle. Ridiculous- I know! I didn't want my little guy leaving me for a whole seven hours and 19 minutes.
I want Quincy here- beside me- to ask me about anything and everything! I want him to prance around in his Jedi cape with light saber in tow and fight the droids all over the house- (who is going to keep us safe?) I want to hear him ask if we can make cookies again, tonight.
I want William to always walk down those stairs after sleeping in until 10:00 (man, he is going to be one tough teenager to wake) carrying his favorite night-night and pig and yell like he is at a football game, "GOOD MORNING, MOM!" (he has ONE level and it is L-O-U-D)
I want to always walk into Kate's room after a nap and see her sleepy little eyes and BIG smile through the crib slats. I want those size 2 Mary Jane's to always fit her. I want to be able to hold her tiny hand in mine forever. I want to rock her for a few minutes, as the day comes to an end and have her tiny, little body fit perfectly in my arms like the finishing puzzle piece. This month my parents kissed their youngest child good bye and sent him off to college. I felt for a minute, the pain my mom had after raising kids for 33 years and saw myself in another 30 years feeling the same emotions. I know that no matter how hard I try - time is and always will be the enemy... it will move forward whether I want it to or not. With the inevitable ahead- those precious moments will be replaced with weddings, mission calls, grandchildren, trips as a BIGGER family, and the satisfaction of seeing my children succeed and achieve their goals and aspirations. I realize that life will be just as beautiful, but in a different way, and that school really isn't THAT bad, afterall!
That was so well put and so much of how I feel I wish I wrote it!:) You have such beautiful children. I had to smile when you mentioned you started crying in the chip isle--I wondered if the thought of your CHIP made you cry too!:)
popped over from Cecily's blog looking for your Photo Story Friday.
oh the cuteness that is your children. they are sooooo beautiful!
my daughter is 13 and i STILL dread the new school year..hate it!
Aw hun *big hugs* You have every right to want your kids to stay small and with you at all times. Beautiful pictures! After reading this, I almost feel guilty for not crying and being happy my first born just started school this month lol.
OK seriously, the crying in the chip isle had me going, only because I swear I did the same thing, in the same isle, the night before school started. I was thrilled that Grace (my very precocious 5 year old) was going to school, until that walmart, preparing for lunch, and imagining her little body sitting at that great big lunch table for the first time, not knowing anyone! Seriously I could still cry over that image!! AHH, the heartache of it all. But, I could NEVER be a homeschooling mom, so I guess that I shall have to learn to welcome the new school year with open arms, and appreciate those who are willing to teach my child the things that I can not! (And, go visit them for lunch everyonce an a while today:)! Talk to you soon!
Hear you on the school thing. Love this pic of your little girl. That is a priceless expression on her face!
Oh man--this is a tear-jerker! I totally agree with you!
And my biggest pet peeve about school is that the school gets them for the best hours of the day. I get them back when they're exhausted and cranky.
I'd rather send them to school in the evening.
Oh you are such a good mom! Your kids sure love you! Yeah, I can't believe my kids has grown too fast and it makes me sad!! Take advantage of every minute of kids' life!
i agree...and they stinking just keep on growing, which is a good thing. i know. it's hard being a momma. my DD#1 is 13 now and going to her 8th grade dance tonight...and why does that seem so wrong? i'll be at home changing #4's diaper...and that almost seem more wrong!
What a precious post! My oldest goes to school next year and I am not sure I am ready for it... THIS POST DIDN'T HELP!!! But it was still beautiful and thought provoking.
Love your confession sessions, Ty. And this post hit the spot for me. Your kids are sooo cute!
beautiful post and adorable children. :) And I am so jealous of William to get to sleep till 10. What I wouldn't give.
I still cry and mine are 2nd grade and 6th Grade. I am not looking forward to 7th.
I cried and was pretty worried for my oldest to go to Kindergarten...Until I saw how great she was at it...No reason to cry...For my second (just this last month) I knew she was READY! I didn't cry at all. But dropping her off that first morning, she looked a little worried. That got me!
Oh I know!! I just think I'm going to have the biggest break down when he goes on his mission. I keep telling pete I hope Samuel is called to the Pocatello mission, so I can drive up there and secretly check on him! i'm a mess too:)
oh yeah...I forgot to ask about your baby brother...I canNOT remember his name right now) He was the CUTEST thing EVER when they came to the MTC and to NYC. LOVE him!
yes, you said it... and so perfect. I am struggling too! I know it will be harder next year for me also, 1 grade. all day!? And adorable pic's, you have such cute kids! We do need to get together! kristine cracks me up!
What cute pictures. I would love for the girls to stay little, except those tantrums we were talking about.
Girl, I am just dying to hear from you!! Want to know if you have any answers, and see how things are going! Call me soon! Love ya!!!!
Laura that was such a sweet post! You remind me of how precious our moments are right now and how we should cherish every minute we spend with our family!:)Love the pictures of the kids they are all so cute and you can tell they all have such unique personalities.
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