Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Spring!!

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!! I LOVE spring- the warm weather, the green grass and the beautiful flowers (especially tulips). I just love seeing the newness of life all around!

I was talking all week to Megan and hearing all of her wonderful ideas on having a more Christ- centered Easter. We had been reading our Easter books all week and trying to teach the real meaning to our children. We decided to do the Jerusalem dinner (from Megan's fun ideas) on Saturday night. There was such a special spirit in our home! We had church hymns playing while we ate dinner, (pita bread, grapes, soup and grape juice) in our family room, on a blanket. We had all the gospel art kit pictures of the final week of his life and retold the story to our boys. There was an amazing spirit there that had been lacking in years previous! It was so memorable!! I could see the boys really beginning to understand why the Savior did what he did for us. William said, "I am so happy Jesus died on the cross so I don't have to." Later Easter morning, Quincy said, "I wish I could touch the nail prints in his hands." It was so neat to tell him that he could one day meet the Savior and touch his hands. He was SO excited!

We had a beautiful dinner at my mom and dad's home that afternoon and enjoyed being with my side of the family.

It's so fun to have a girl!! The kids looked SO cute! There is something so fun about dressing them all the same! Hope you all had a very special day!


Megan said...

I love love there cute clothes! They look adorable! Kate is the cutest!! I'm so happy you tried some of the ideas. I feel the same way about our Easter celebration. It was so different this year. We really felt the Savior's love. Laura I miss you so much. Thank heavens for blogs and phones!!

Megan said...

P.S. I love the flower headband.

Rochelleht said...

She is SOOOOOOO cute, Laura! Holy cow, adorable! That is so neat that your kids got the true message of Easter.

Ali and Rob said...

The kids look so cute! And Kate is adorable! What a great idea! We tried our best to expain, and with the GAK too, its hard to know, but they really do understand more than we think! love ya and miss ya!

Natalie said...

Yay, a new post! How has life with three been? Doesn't seem like it's hindered you from doing the most important things. Seriously, you should send this into The Friend! What a great mom you are!

Wendi said...

Oh. my. cuteness. !!!!

Julianne said...

Sounds like it was a wonderful spiritual Easter. The kids look sooooo adorable!!! Love the flower!

Emily said...

Your kids look so cute! And your little girl . . . I could eat up those cheeks! :)

Cecily R said...

What a great way to celebrate Easter.

Love the pictures. You have gorgeous kids!!

Michelle said...

I love their cloths! I think that is the funnest part, dressing them up. Your boys look so cute and matching with their sister! LOVE the flower headband!! Too too too cute.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful kids!! Their outfits are adorable.

Anonymous said...

I was looking forward to an update! Kids are so gorgeous. Please keep the pictures coming!