Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My Son The Streaker!

Last night we were at the famous EAST HIGH SCHOOL yes, all you High School Musical fans- the real one! My brother is a senior and plays on the basketball team (he is even cuter than Zac), and my Dad teaches Multimedia and digital photography.

We were enjoying the game when my brother requested a Gatorade from the concession stand. My Dad gets the note and decides to send Quincy to the other side of the gym to retrieve it. After Quincy receives the instructions, he heads down the bleachers and William follows suit. Holding my breath, I watch as the two proceed carefully behind the score table and the opposing bench, down the baseline and to the concession stand! Whew! We're halfway done!

Now the return... William likes to take the road less traveled let's just say, and decides to go back a different way. I watched in anticipation of what could happen next as he cruises along the opposite sidelines while the game is in play. Now, we all know moms have this amazing telepathy ability and mine kicked in as I read him from the other side of the gym. He was thinking, "I am WAY over here and my mom is WAY over there- why don't I find a faster way!" So, my little streaker cuts through the middle of the gym, with a huge approving grin, while the game is still on. The ref blows the whistle and stops the game and the entire gym laughs as they watch this kid make his way back to the stands. Of course they were also looking around to see who this child belonged to... uh, that would be me! I guess it could have been worse, he did have his clothes on, thankfully!

I've decided that all I want for Christmas, better yet, all I need for Christmas is a long leash for this kid!


crystal said...

Ha ha ha! I was so afraid, after reading your title, of him running through the game butt-naked. Phew!

I want to be a student in your dad's class!

Laura said...

ME too!

Natalie said...

That's a great story! So cute.

Oh, and let's hear it for East! :)

Julianne said...

That is totally hilarious. What a great story! :)

Megan said...

Cute story. All I can say is Boys will be boys! Very funny story!

Rochelleht said...

Too funny! I'm glad to get to the end and hear he had clothes on.

Katrina said...

William's so cute! What a little character!

Chanda said...

There's a great clip floating around the internet of a little kid running around a basketball court while a game is in session and he gets decked by a ball and falls over like a noodle. I'll try to find it and send you the link. It's hilarious - you would probably appreciate it more than most after your son's little stunt. ;)

Michelle said...

hee hee, I thought you were going to say that he took off his cloths and ran around naked. Thank goodness that didn't happen!