It Must Be A Guy Thing!!
I think it is so funny that boys just have an innate need to smash, wrestle and crush something or someone on a regular basis! My boys love to wrestle with Chip! My three brothers loved doing this with my Dad, too! This is just simply, something I don't understand! Being on the bottom of a dog pile- having your hair pulled and your face smashed into the carpet is not on the top of my fun list!
I have tried to join in on a few occasions but that lasts about two minutes! I prefer to watch and laugh and to be there to console, inevitably, the one who gets hurt! Good thing I have a girl coming soon- maybe we will have to hit the mall or get a pedicure when they feel the need to be "manly."
I hear you Laura. I don't get the fun in that but my boys LOVE to wrestle around with Blake. It really must be a guy thing.
Oh so true!
My girls join in a lot. And then they get hurt. Now THAT, I don't understand.
Blog hopping...hello fellow Texan! (Are you from New England originally? I noticed a reference on your blog)
Anyway, my husband and 2yr old son wrestle all the time too, it's cute, but crazy! Then at playgroup he gets rough with the other kids thinking it's all fun and games...but the other moms must think he's some kind of a brute!
I understand! Good thing you have a girl on the way to do "girl things"!
I'll bet she'll join right in :)
I hear ya Laura! My brothers always wrestled and now it is happening all over again with my boys!
Hey just wanted to let you know I gave you a little something on my blog. Check it out!
I grew up in a girl house and am now raising a family in a girl house and I hate to break it to ya, but we love to wrestle! I'm sure we're not nearly as rough as boys, but my sisters and I used to do it and I do it with my girls! Sometimes it's just fun to roll around on the floor! ;)
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