Our little cougars were cheering loud this weekend as we ventured to California to the infamous Rose Bowl Stadium to see the BYU Cougars take on UCLA. There was much anticipation for this game- especially coming from my husband! My family had seasons tickets growing up- we grew up with pom-poms in our hair, Y's on our faces and cougar blue shirts in our wardrobe!
How could I ever go astray and marry outside "the cougar club"-- no way! Chip grew up watching every game he could from his tiny, Texas town. It was so great to go with him to his first game in cougar stadium, when we were dating! Season tickets were on the TOP of his list of reasons he wanted to move to Utah and we have been loving these cougar games now that we're here!
It was so nice to have a weekend as a family. We enjoyed the beach and relaxing at the beautiful pool at the hotel! Although the cougars lost (they were robbed) it was still fun to "raise our colors high in the blue, and cheer for the cougars of BYU!"
How fun!!! Hubby went over to his brother's house, cause it was only on pay-per-view here! So, I didn't get to see it. :( He said they were robbed, too!
I linked over to you from Michelle since you are a "nice person!" =)
Go cougars! Love the cougar pride! That's awesome. Your family is adorable.
I love your header and your profile! You have a great attitude about life!
So happy that you guys had a great time. Blake watched the game also and he too said the same thing. I guess that confirms it...They were robbed!
Your boys look so cute! Love the face paint.
It was good to see you on your way to Cali. But it was TOO short of a visit. We need to plan somethng a little longer next time ;)
That is so fun! My dh watched most of it--they kept switching between games on the channel he was watching. Even though I didn't attend there, everyone else in my fam did so I'm a big fan, too.
Uh oh. Ty. This is serious. I don't know if we can be friends anymore. I'm a Ute all the way. Even though I married a cougar and graduated from said university. We all know which school is the Lord's real school.
I forgot you were a Ute, Smitty! How did we ever get along on the mish?
Your boys look so adorable. I will be sure to show Drew this post. I am so glad you guys got some time together! Weekend getaways are the best even if they are short.
You are raising your kids to be "real Texans" even though you live in Utah. Nothing is greater than Football? Right? Um . . .I wouldn't know . . . I am only having girls . . . :)
How fun! Your boys are so adorbale. I'm loving that face paint.
Ty - we got along so well on the mish because you were an awesome companion! Ah, those were good times :)
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