I went downtown Salt Lake to the Beehive House to take pictures of Kate last week. I am planning to get a jump start on everything Christmas, including my card! I want to have them done in November and out the 1st of December. These were a few of the funny, cute ones. I didn't want to post "the possibilities" for the card, just a few of the cute ones. She is one tough cookie to photograph! She doesn't hold still! I still need to photograph the boys on their own and plan to do that this coming week. Oh, what a great feeling it will be if I can actually get shopping done and the card done before the holidays hit! Wish me luck!
Are you already starting to get ready for Christmas?
Tee hee! Did you read my latest blog post? I do have a problem...
She's darling! Love her pics! Good luck with Christmas early this year! Maybe I'll try that too, lol! Wish me luck too!
sooo cute! I should have you take some of us!
She is adorable! Good for you preparing early. I should do that too but I doubt I'll get it done. Congrats on the baby. I am excited for you. Hopefully you are feeling well. Is your hubby home too? We ought to get together this fall and do something fun. Good luck with your preparations!
Seriously, that's incredible! And terribly smart to do it now. I would love to start that if it weren't still 100 degrees outside...super adorbale photos!
She is so dang cute!! and getting so big! i have been terrible and not even checked on or updated my own blog....so, man you have been way busy... and WHAt!! Congrats, i'm soo excited for you guy's! love it. I can't believe Gage is going to be 1 here soon...Arghhh:( we need to get together.. i ran into Alisa from Boise, she's in Draper.. anyway congrats again and wish i could even START to think about Christmas... you are good!! :) love ya
I just told Tami and wanted to get my cards out and start addressing them! I say the same thing every year...maybe I will get on it! This year I am just doing a picture of Truman so that makes the picture taking a lot easier!!
She is such a little beauty! Just got caught up with your adorable blog! Congratulations! I swear 4 is a much easier transition than 3, but hey thats me. SO EXCITING!!!!!!! Sister for Kate?
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