Words cannot explain what an amazing experience we had with the youth of our stake as we went on a four-day journey together! We were asked to be a Ma and Pa over a group of six children on this fun outing. We camped in tents, ate on the prairie, pulled our handcarts over 25 miles and loved every second of it! We truly walked, and walked, and walked, and walked! There was a spirit that was present that was so powerful! We grew to understand, in some small way, the difficulties these Pioneers faced as they crossed the plains. They were tired, dirty, hungry, thirsty. They lost loved ones and some even their own lives. My testimony was strengthened tremendously as I thought of their obedience and sacrifice. I pray that my life will someday reflect that same dedication to the Lord and obedience to His will as their lives did.
I am so glad you updated your blog...I have been missing it.
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