Last night was Quincy's last Junior Jazz game; I can't exactly say I cried all the way home. I was thrilled! Going to those games was like submitting yourself to a root canal every Wednesday night- slow torture! Chasing Kate up the stairs 300 times, pulling her out of the boys bathroom ten times, grabbing her from center court in the middle of the game, and apologizing as she climbs over everyone to get to the top is fun, but after doing all of this for the past eight weeks I am ready for a long sabbatical from this post! The few plays I did see, Quincy did a great job! He had fun and that's all that matters!
This week I sat in line at the car wash behind a man with an immaculate car. I think if I had had a magnifying glass I may, I may have been able to see some dirt on his car. I glanced into the back seat of my car to survey the damage of the past several weeks: smashed crackers, a piece of crusty bread, binkies, and empty juice cartons, and a black banana splattered the battle field floor. The outside of the car looked like I had been four-wheeling all weekend. "Who has time for needless car washes?" I thought. Right away I realized someday I will have time for needless car washes, and that will be a sad day! Although, one could survive in my car if stranded some place, Mr. Clean Car couldn't say the same, I'm sure. I realized again that I needed to embrace the crumbs, be content with the crusted bread, and be okay with just catching the highlights of the Junior Jazz games.
Well, she is cute so it doesn't make it that hard if she were to be climbing over me!! My car could use a nice wash and clean on the inside!!
Oh Laura, Kate is beautiful!! I am sure no one minded her climbing all over them!! She sure is darling.
Oh and at least you can say there is life in your car, so who minds crumbs and all that!!
I love the faces! What a charmer!
I think washing one's car about 4 times a year does the trick! :)
Oh do I remember those days of not being able to sit still because you had a little one to chase around. :)
She certainly is a cutie!
Hahaha! I will never have time for needless carwashes. Since I am a naturally messy person they will never be needless. I'm pretty sure it's been two years since I've even been in a carwash line. :)
Miss Kate is delicious. 17 month old is the same way. She looks pretty irresistible though! Those gorgeous eyes!
Girl, I am right there with you!! We still have the Championship game on Saturday. I will be doing cartwheels on the way my dirty van that I have not yet embraced...someday I will have time to clean it.
Adorable pictures and post!
The lighting on these pictures is so beautiful - well done!
I loved your story -- you might as well have been describing our van. I think we might even have a a few left over binkies in there (and no on in our house has used one in a couple of years...)
She is adorable! I love her little piggy tails. Darling.~
Oh what a doll she is!
It is true that they grow way faster than we ever think possible and one day we will miss the craziness of young kids.
I love your family photo header.
Lovely poses of Kate!Time flies, soon you can do this and more.
I sure love that little face! Don't worry too much about your car either. Soon it will be warm enough (and school will be out) you can put Quincy and William to work! Ha ha! Seriously...we don't have kids and we can't manage to keep ours clean either. :) LOVE you guys!
Ha ha! So true. I hate dragging the boys to Special Olympics practice, but they love it and I'm always glad we do it, even if I do freeze.
And I don't even want to think about how dirty my car is...
Oh my goodness! That little girl of yours is simply yummy! I bet she is just a joy, ok, except for when she isnt:) I totally understand the chaos at games! I actually did not sign Haylee up for volleyball like I had intended, because I could not stomach the idea of 4 kids (3 under 3) under my care during the games! And..lets not get me started on the clean car thing..its a joke for sure!!
I love the pig tails. She's adorable. And I'm right there with you on the state of your car. Mine makes me want to cry in its current state.
"giggling" You can always put a smile on my face Laura! I love it, and more so I can relate, especially with my 4 year old Hurricane Hailey Rae! She's getting a little better, but is still super busy and can't sit still for more than 15 sec. And my car is constantly crumby and covered in papers and trash! I try hard to keep it clean but nonetheless it remains messy! And I think I've washed the car twice in two years. So I guess I'm just trying to say.....I love you and know how you feel, ugh! Kate is definately Kate the Great! She's a doll, as is my Hurricane....guess that's why God made them so cute (so we don't pull our hair out right?) LOL!!!! xoxooxx
Adorable pictures!
I wish my car was as clean as you describe yours! Isn't that something to admit? :O
oKAY, I love this post. It is all so true I could spit. Poor Harry will never know me watching him at ANYTHING, and my children potentially could shave a few years off their lives for dirt inhalation from the car interior. I love how you well you articulate your life, I love you!
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