I think I won a gold metal yesterday for my fall down some icy stairs. It happened so fast I can't even remember falling. All I remember was opening my eyes and seeing gray clouds and stars... and it looked just like the guy above!
Next thing I knew, I was inside and the blood kept coming! Within a few minutes my hair was soaked in blood and I quickly called Chip to come home from his church meeting and take me to the E.R.
The nurses quickly wrapped my head in gauze and Chip affectionately named me "Pocahontas" because of my new headdress. I then heard the nurses discussing whether or not they would have to shave some of my hair or cut around the area they needed to stitch.
When the doctor came in I asked him if he would mind doing me a favor and cut just the gray hair out. He said, "no problem." Luckily, they didn't have to cut any hair- they did however, tape my hair down so the doctor could get to the cut. When it came time for them to rip, yes, rip the tape off, I was wishing they had just cut my hair, instead!
As they started to numb the area, Chip saw the 4 inch needle and turned around to face the wall with his hand over his eyes. The nurse told him to take a seat; she couldn't catch him from across the room if he fainted.
I held his hand.
He was brave!
In all seriousness though, I sat there in my headdress looking around the hospital at the other patients that were there- A young teenage boy on crutches with his foot amputated. There was a mother holding her 7-year-old who was the size of a one-year old, on the oxygen, coughing up a lung. There were two other people with shoulders dislocated. I felt so blessed to be there for something so simple and so thankful that it didn't involve something serious with one of my children.
Sometimes it takes a brick upside the head to remind you how blessed you are... or in this case, a slab of cement!
Ouch! I'm sorry you fell, but glad you only had stitches. Could have been A LOT worse. We are proud of Chip for being such a "Big Boy". Hope your head doesn't hurt too much.
OH Laura that story made my tummy hurt! I almost had to put my head between my legs just reading it! Glad you are okay, and as always, thanks for teaching us yet another important lesson about life. I love you!
Man, I'm glad you're ok! Sounds like quite a fall, Pocahontas. Sounds like Chip and Drew would be BFF's in the no-toleration-for-needles department.
Ohh, I am sure that is just how you wanted to spend your Sunday afternoon!! I sure hope you got a good couple of days off for that fall!! I laughed about this as I remembered being in fierce labor, and getting an epidural(finally)! I was shaking pretty violently, and the doctor kept saying I needed to be still before he could insert this massive needle into my spine! I looked up and saw Ryans face as white as a ghost..literally! So in the middle of all that, I had to tell him to wait, so that a nurse could sit him down and take his place in front of me! So funny, our men are so strong, yet weak in the needle department:)
OUCH! Poor thing, but so great that you found a blessing in it all!
I still feel so bad, I hope you are doing OK today. Call me if you need anything.
I'm glad that you are okay. I'm so sorry that happened to you.
I can totally see Chip getting sick at the sight of the needle. He cracks me up. So happy you were there to hold his hand.
Oh no! im sorry, glad that it wasn't more serious! I agree w/kristine! a great lesson indeed! :) my moms neighbor slipped on ice, and fell and broke his neck, and is paralyzed!:( so sad.. im glad your ok! i don't do needles either. love ya and see ya soon!!
I'm sorry you got hurt! (Glad it wasn't worse...) I'm sure grateful for all my blessings every time I go to work in the ER - so I know what you mean. And it also boggles my mind how the guys with the most tattoos (which of course are created by needles) are the ones with the hardest time with needles when I numb them up - but I guess they were probably drunk when they got their tattoos... Anyway, hope you feel better soon!
OH my Word! I am so thankful you are OK! I love your attitude during the whole ordeal! Poor hubby! ;)
When I was in high school I gashed open my head and they DID shave off my hair. Right in the back at the crown. It took FOREVER to re-grow. That's one more thing to be grateful for! Glad you're okay!
Ack! I'm glad you are ok! Good thing you were able to help Chip through it all. ;) Cute.
Okay, I'm totally still crying laughing at how darn cute you are when you explain stories.....It's even more funny to hear what a pansy my BIG brother is with needles. I hate needles too; but come on, it's you that should be getting all the attention. Ha,ha!!! Gotta love the Chipdip though :)! I'm so sorry you fell, that's aweful! I love you and am glad you are safe! And I am truely always amazed at what an amazing wife and mother you are. I definatley look up to you and stive to be more like you in my parenting skill! All your blog posts were amazing, I'm just catching up! Love always, Jewel xox
Oh, Laura, I'm so glad you are ok. That is crazy! You are right, though. We are all so blessed. And I bet that the other people in the room were looking at someone else and thinking the same thing.
Laura I am so sorry to hear that you fell down the icy stairs, I am glad you are doing better. It's kinda funny about Chip though, such a baby when it comes to blood, hilarious.
Oh my gosh! That is awful! It's true, it really is about perspective.
I guess I should feel more blessed that the hard wood steps I slipped down while holding Dallin two days ago(in our new house) just left a ginormous bruise on my hip!
I will stop complaining about how uncomfortable it is to sleep on it! ;)
Wow, you hit your head pretty good. Ouch!!! Glad you are OK!!! Good they didnt shave your hair!
Laura! Congrats on your sweet daughter! We just received your Christmas Card. We moved and just got a stack of old mail. Isn't it so fun to have a girl! She is beautiful! Hope all is well! Its been forever! Shaylee Seymour
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