Well... Quincy started his first official day of school yesterday! We started the morning with a big, special breakfast and a few of Quincy's favorite treats to take in his backpack. I thought he'd be a little nervous but he was totally cool, calm and collected! He was SO excited to get to school and try out the playground basketball hoops! He had a great first day! Thankfully there are four kids from the ward (all girls) in his class so he was able to see a few familiar (pretty) faces!
This was my first baby to head off to school! I was crying the night before and feeling a bit like Nemo's dad and telling him he could "wait 5 or 6 years" if he wanted to. He assured me he'd be back soon and that I'd be just fine! I managed to fight back the tears the next day- I didn't want to embarrass him on the first day!
This was the first day in William's life that he was without his favorite buddy! They were so cute hugging each other a million times before Quincy left. It has worked out perfectly schedule wise- Quincy is in the afternoon class and that is exactly the time William is napping. They still get the morning to play and William hardly knows he is gone.
This was an extra special day because it was also Chip's birthday. It was his first day in his 30's. We ended the day with a fun trip to Park City to enjoy a little shopping and dinner.
That is one VERY handsome boy you have there! I bet he is just loving school. That's great that you got the schedule you wanted. I still say all day is the BEST EVER!! I love the picture of the boys hugging. William's turn will come soon enough.
What a cute, cute boy! I can't believe you are going to school! Time sure flies by, I am so happy I get to watch you grow up. I am so lucky to be your aunt!!! I love you! Sis
Those pics of the boys together are just priceless. So handsome and cute your little men are!
Megan is in afternoon, too, and Carli sleeps. It's been so nice and quiet, though, I have a hard time motivating myself to actually accomplish something instead of just hanging around and enjoying the silence. ;)
I teared up just looking at those cute pictures. We sure miss you guys. I am so happy he had a great first day at school. Both your boys are so adorable!
Megan- I miss you too! I wish I was coming with Michelle to visit and see your beautiful home and your sweet boys! Little Owen will always be so dear to my boys! (Derrik too, of course!)
Laura...I was able to keep the tears in when I read your blog to myself but when I read it to Szucceed, I cried!!! It is so sweet and cute and it makes me so happy to know you are such a loving mommy:) man, it makes me and szucceed so excited to be parents one day...well, thanks for sharing with us! Love ya so much, Christina
That is one VERY handsome boy you have there! I bet he is just loving school. That's great that you got the schedule you wanted. I still say all day is the BEST EVER!! I love the picture of the boys hugging. William's turn will come soon enough.
I forgot, tell Chip happy birthday!
What a cute, cute boy! I can't believe you are going to school! Time sure flies by, I am so happy I get to watch you grow up. I am so lucky to be your aunt!!! I love you!
"I love you Quincy- I help him"
"School rocks!"
SOOO cute! I just absolutely LOVE the picture of them looking into eachother's eyes.
Those pics of the boys together are just priceless. So handsome and cute your little men are!
Megan is in afternoon, too, and Carli sleeps. It's been so nice and quiet, though, I have a hard time motivating myself to actually accomplish something instead of just hanging around and enjoying the silence. ;)
I teared up just looking at those cute pictures. We sure miss you guys. I am so happy he had a great first day at school. Both your boys are so adorable!
Megan- I miss you too! I wish I was coming with Michelle to visit and see your beautiful home and your sweet boys! Little Owen will always be so dear to my boys! (Derrik too, of course!)
Quincy is SO CUTE! I still want him! If you put me in your will . . .I call Quincy!!! :)
Laura...I was able to keep the tears in when I read your blog to myself but when I read it to Szucceed, I cried!!! It is so sweet and cute and it makes me so happy to know you are such a loving mommy:) man, it makes me and szucceed so excited to be parents one day...well, thanks for sharing with us! Love ya so much,
Wow, those boys are sure handsome! And look at the love they have for eachother! How neat that you captured that in your picture.
I can't believe how much Q looks like Chip in that top photo! He really looks so grown up, smiling with Chip's smile.
What a fun day! Quincy looks so big in that first picture, and so much like Chip!
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